April 4, 2008

Weekly Round-Up: Christian Creeds, Mormon Growth, New Apologetics Resource, and Missionary Challenges

Here's this week's round-up:

1) R.C. Sproul, "Norma Normata -- A Rule that is Ruled" on the Ligonier Ministries blog. After writing about the importance of the historic Christian creeds to our faith earlier this week, I found Sproul's brief article to be an excellent introduction to the proper role of creeds in our churches and spiritual lives.

2) Russell D. Moore, "Beyond the Burning in the Bosom: Why Mormonism Spreads" on the Moore to the Point blog. Have you ever wondered why Mormonism is so successful? Moore provides some theological reflection on the growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

3) Classic Works of Apologetics. This is a new site devoted to providing answers for those investigating the Christian faith. In doing so, the editor has compiled an impressive list of resources throughout church history. This site is definitely worth remembering for research and spiritual growth.

4) "Are We Losing More Than We're Gaining?" Mission Frontiers, March - April 2008. While I have not been able to read over the whole issue yet, the latest edition of this missions magazine has some important articles. "Are We Proclaiming a Defective Gospel?" and "The Pursuit of Knowledge and Truth: The Key to a New Reformation" are both must-reads. Note: This issue also includes an excerpt from Greg Boyd's latest book. I in no way endorse or recommend Boyd's heretical view of God, usually called open theism. My recommendation would be to skip Boyd's article and check out the rest of this issue.