In East Africa, we often have Christians asking us for more resources to help equip them to defend our faith. While the development and translation of new materials is something that will have to wait until our ministry begins full-time in Uganda, we have been blessed to find other apologetics ministries with a global vision willing to help Africans now.
One ministry that has been very helpful is
Stand to Reason (STR). Founded by Greg Koukl, STR is an organization dedicated to training Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square. On a personal note, I would like to point out how important this ministry has been in my own spiritual growth. I still have old cassette tapes from Koukl on the Trinity, the relationship between grace and works, and decision making and the will of God. I have also read
Solid Ground for years. STR has been a blessing to thousands of believers throughout America.

So you can imagine my excitement when I heard of their willingness to partner with us as we seek to advance biblical discernment in Africa. Over the last several months, we have been working together to make a CD-ROM that will help Ugandans to grow in their knowledge of God's Word and to defend Christianity against falsehood. The result is a self-contained CD, including all of the contents of their web site in PDF format, MP3s of some of their most critical audio resources, and even QuickTime videos answering fundamental questions about Jesus.
The STR Resource CD—developed specifically for ministry distribution
outside the U.S.—is an efficient and inexpensive way of placing a large amount of solid information into the hands of the many Christians in East Africa who have some access to a computer but little or none to the Internet. As you can see, this is one example of how we can work together to help our African brothers and sisters in Christ.

I appreciate STR's willingness to produce such a wonderful resource. And I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the future. Koukl himself has been very gracious and supportive. As a matter of fact, he has agreed to speak at our upcoming event "Awakening Africa: Guarding the Gospel" next month at the historic
Bowers Museum in Southern California. If you will be in the area on September 27th and would like to know more,
please let me know.
God is truly blessing the
Africa Center for Apologetics Research. Momentum is growing. Churches, ministries, and individuals are coming together to make a difference. I can't wait to see what God will do next!