November 14, 2008

Weekly Round-Up: Sserulanda Special Edition

Normally, our weekly round-up brings together several sources to keep you up-to-date with the latest developments in Africa and apologetics issues. Nevertheless, so much has developed recently with the controversial Sserulanda sect that today's list will be devoted to this spiritual group.

As I have mentioned before, the Sserulanda Nsulo Yobulamu Spiritual Foundation believes that its leader, “His Infinite Grace” Mugonza Bambi Baaba, is “God Almighty” on earth. They are also in the process of trying to establish a special free trade zone and run it as an autonomous territory called the Ssessamirembe Spiritual City. While their independent city seemed to be progressing rapidly, now they are under governmental investigation and being accused of crimes and other problematic practices.

Here are the latest reports: