Dear Friend,
Last week I wrote to thank you for your prayers, and about the tremendous response to our ministry at the Calvary Chapel pastors’ conference in Kampala, Uganda.
Our final three days in Uganda focused on strategy meetings with Christian leaders. And here’s what stands out.
They didn’t just ask us to help them; they offered their facilities, their manpower, and other resources to get the job done. A large-scale training event in early 2010, focusing on cults and false teaching, now appears very likely. Two highly placed leaders made a startling offer to use radio and other mass media to give us a national platform for exposing error. We also interviewed two gifted nationals who could serve as ACFAR’s “feet on the ground” in the months ahead.
Even though my family isn’t moving to East Africa, God’s hand on ACFAR is plain to see. We now have a strong basis for developing a new ministry strategy in these last days of our transitional period.
I’ve never seen so much hunger from African church leaders who want to grow in biblical discernment.
We must help them.
God has used your prayers and support to bring us this far! Please continue standing with us as we lay the groundwork for the future of ACFAR.
Because of His grace,
John Divito, Director
Africa Center for Apologetics Research (ACFAR)