But many groups that corrupt and oppose the Christian faith spring up from within Africa itself, as two feature articles in the September 7th edition of Uganda’s Sunday Monitor newspaper illustrate.

According to one Kaboyo, who has been a follower of Bisaka for the last ten years, the differences between his faith and Christianity are fundamental. “For starters, it’s not a religion but a movement founded by an African, unlike Christianity which was imported into Africa by the white man. The Bible is divisive; that is why we discarded it and formed Oneness, uniting all people irrespective of race, into one flock under one shepherd—Bisaka.” He adds that Runyoro is the chief language in the Faith of Unity because it was formed in Bunyoro, but quickly adds that other languages are used according to where their branches are situated. “We have branches in Nansana, Kamwokya, Bweyogerere and Sironko, but they use other languages like Luganda and English, though the hymns are in Runyoro.”

Take a moment to reflect on the seriousness of the overall situation in Uganda. Cults that you and I know well are present and active. But even if we were to flood the country with resources addressing each of these groups, it wouldn’t begin to touch the false prophets and heretical movements originating in East Africa. Such cults must be carefully researched and analyzed in order to develop effective biblical responses and evangelistic strategies—a task that has yet to be undertaken.
We must face this challenge! By advancing biblical discernment—especially among pastors—and defending the faith in East Africa, we can equip Christians to counter the growing spread of cults. Though the need is daunting, we continue to trust in our God who overcomes all obstacles for His glory. And by His grace, we continue to prepare the launch of the Africa Center for Apologetics Research in January of 2009.