Needless to say, it was an informative read. Seeing Africa's place in the historical formation of our faith was enlightening. Many of my favorite heroes of the faith are African: Tertullian, Augustine, Athanasius, etc. Assuming Oden's vision for further research catches on, I look forward to learning more about the ancient roots of Christianity in Africa.
Interestingly, one paragraph in his book was especially relevant in light of our ministry in East Africa. I pray that ACFAR will be used by Christ to meet the challenge Oden wisely identifies:
"The rising charismatic and Pentecostal energies in Africa are stronger emotively than intellectually. They may not sufficiently sustain African Christians through the Islamic challenge unless fortified by rigorous apologetics. The challenge must be met with intellectual integrity grounded in historical consciousness. Christians of sub-Saharan Africa are being required to learn how to think in response to the religious ideology that overwhelmed by force so much of African Christianity in the seventh century. This is a 'must learn' challenge" (99).