Nearly 150 of us gathered at the historic Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. After greeting many new friends, we sat down to a top-notch dinner. Of course, nothing is as good as my wife’s cooking (I’d get in trouble if I didn’t say so!), but I was impressed by the quality of the entire evening.

Next we debuted a new film that vividly presents the vision for ACFAR. (You should be seeing it soon, so stay tuned!) I then shared my testimony of forsaking Mormonism and finding true freedom in Jesus Christ. I was also privileged to introduce Greg Koukl, founder and president of Stand to Reason, one of our key partner ministries in Africa.

After Greg we had a special treat: Hajni Pataki, a former Jehovah’s Witness pioneer from Hungary. Through the ministry of AndrĂ¡s Szalai, the director of CFAR Hungary, Hajni broke free from the lies of the Watchtower Society and has come to know true freedom and maturity in Christ. Hajni’s testimony was a powerful example of what we hope to see in the lives of cult members all across East Africa.
The evening’s program ended as Rob Nye brought a moving song on missions, “Our Heart.” I remained long afterwards to spend one-on-one time with our guests and supporters. What a privilege to meet so many believers who share our excitement for what God has in store for Uganda!
God used this weekend in California to rejuvenate me and renew my amazement at all He is preparing for ACFAR. I can hardly express my appreciation for all who invested so sacrificially to bring this evening about. May God be glorified as we pray and labor to raise up a generation of Africans who will defend His gospel and bring cultists to Christ!