2) John Arube-Wani, "We musn't forget the Kanungu tragedy" in the New Vision newspaper (Uganda). Here is another editorial piece on the Sserulanda Spiritual Foundation. This researcher is worried that Uganda could be facing another Kanungu. Regardless, more study definitely needs to be done on this group.
3) Massimo Introvigne, "'The Black Jews of Africa': A Review" on the Center for Studies on New Religions web site. I find book reviews to be helpful overviews and quick snapshots of more substantive works. This review was very helpful in opening my eyes toward Black Jews in Africa. Now I'll have to add The Black Jews of Africa to my Amazon wish list!
4) "Theology in Black and White?" on the (Anglican) Church Mission Society web site. This link includes an audio dialogue between an emerging church, postmodern Englishman and a Pentecostal Nigerian. I found their discussion to be fascinating. This is a good MP3 to download and listen to for those interested in African vs. Western Christianity. As one blogger titled this conversation: "Postmodern Doubt and African Certainty."