Welcome to our monthly feature Ask Anything Wednesday. While I am answering a question left for me earlier today, please keep the questions rolling in! Just submit your question--on anything!--in the comments section below and I'll consider answering it next month.
"I'd like to know if you are still on track to move to Uganda and have ACFAR be THE apologetics resource to that area."
I appreciate the obvious passion you have for our ministry! Your encouragement is both encouraging and humbling. I pray daily that our East African ministry will glorify Christ through the defense of His truth. Lord willing, our center will be used mightily for the advancement of His kingdom!
But I want to make sure that I directly answer your question. Are we on track to begin? I really cannot give you a simple "yes" or "no" answer. The Africa Center for Apologetics Research is built on faith and trust in our Savior. Therefore, we don't have a number of defined intermediate steps which we "pass" or "fail." We have established our goal to launch ACFAR by the end of May. To reach our goal, we still need 275 prayer partners, $5,600 in monthly commitments, and $30,000 in start-up support. Yes, this will mean a lot of new supporters in the next few months. But we are trusting in God to provide. Is raising awareness and support difficult in our current recession? Of course! But it is nothing that Christ cannot overcome if it is His will.
I am excited to see what our Lord will do in the upcoming months ahead. We continue to build momentum, regularly establishing more contacts and developing new partnerships. There is one fact that I am absolutely certain of: the challenges facing Christians in East Africa will only be met by advancing biblical discernment and apologetics. May Christ use ACFAR in Uganda to help our African brothers and sisters in Christ defend our common faith!