February 8, 2008

Weekly Round-Up: Essential Beliefs, Mormonism, and Wheaton Change of Heart

Here's this week's round-up:

1) John MacArthur, "What Doctrines Are Essential?" Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 on the Pulpit Magazine blog. What must a person believe as a Christian? How do we differentiate between the foundational beliefs we must all share as Christians and the views we can disagree with one another on? This series helps us to answer these questions.

2) Suzanne Sataline, "Mormons Dismayed by Harsh Spotlight" in the Wall Street Journal. A front page story on Mormonism in a nationally renowned newspaper? This is definitely must reading, especially in light of Mitt Romney's bowing out of the race for the next United States President.

3) Ted Olsen, "Wheaton College Administrators Remove Names From Christian-Muslim Statement" on the Christianity Today Liveblog. I have previously mentioned the controversy surrounding a recent document by evangelicals written to Muslims called "Loving God and Neighbor Together." It seems as if some of the signers have had a change of heart. I appreciate their honesty and courage in removing their names. May we all remain faithful to Christ as we proclaim His good news to Muslims around the world!